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September 19, 2015Benefits of WBE Certification for Business Growth
February 23, 2016How Women Business Owners Can Use Technology for Marketing
Image by Ed Yourdon via Flickr
Did you know that…Women (56 percent) spend more time visiting retail sites on mobile devices than men (43 percent), according to comScore?
Did you also know that women oversee 80% of consumer spending (U.S. Census Bureau) – so it’s actually fairly easy to see why many smart retailers are focusing their technology efforts on women.
Today, women comprise one of the fastest growing demographics of Internet and technology users, with some 87 million women between 18 and 76 online according to a BlogHer study. With that, women have become top mobile commerce adopters as well. Credits: Sephora CMO On Women And Tech – Business Insider
There’s no doubt that women are embracing technology faster than ever; and everyone from online and offline retailers to the big brands are taking advantage by targeting their marketing efforts to women both online and in-store.
But marketing to women is an art and a science. It requires the right blend of women-centric marketing – mobile, social and both offline and online marketing is key.
Here are three ways to market to women:
1. Make the Experience Social
Women are enthusiastic social media users, and they’re highly engaged in shopping as an online social experience, too. Leveraging the big social networks to reach out to women consumers is surely a good way to start.
2. Make the Experience Mobile
Sephora, through the use of Analytics and reporting were able to see that 70% of Sephora mobile traffic was coming from iOS devices – this lead them to focus all their development efforts on Apple mobile app development as that’s where their customers are. Finding out which devices and platforms your customers are using and be there when they are with a seamless user experience can drive sales and boost profits exponentially.
But Sephora is not alone in this trend, of course. In 2012, consumer spending on phones and tablets jumped 81 percent over 2011, according to eMarketer.
3. Make the Experience both Offline and Online
More women are carrying an iPhone in their pocket—and some an iPad in their handbag. Rather than fearing the technology these clients bring with them into brick-and-mortar stores, adept brands are finding ways to unlock entirely new experiences that bridge the offline with the online. Credits: Sephora CMO On Women And Tech – Business Insider
There’s no doubt that technology is altering consumer (and especially women consumer) experiences. The key is not to fear it…but to embrace it, or get left behind in a cut-throat competitive market.
If you are a woman business owner and want to reach out and connect with more women get certified.