5 Game Changing Facts You Need to Know About Women in Business Today
March 2, 2017
3 Ways Women in Business Can Overcome Challenges and Get Ahead
July 21, 2017Are you a Woman with an Entrepreneurial Spirit? Top 11 Questions to Ask Yourself!

Do you consider yourself to be a successful woman entrepreneur? Today’s women business owners are highly skilled, talented, sharp and technologically savvy.
But more than that, they all share one common denominator – they have an unstoppable entrepreneurial drive and spirit that keeps them going!
There’s no doubt that more women are entering the business world today than ever before – there are those venturing in after years of child-rearing, multi-taskers who are balancing both business and family life and women with a strong entrepreneurial drive ready to take on the world.
It can be said that women are wired for juggling business and family and multi-tasking, but do all women have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
Here are top 10 questions to ask yourself to assess if you make the grade to be a successful entrepreneur:
- Have I always wanted to be my own boss?
- Do I take direction well from others, or have a mind of my own and want to live on my own terms?
- Am I ambitious?
- Is money a motivating factor for me? Do I want to build wealth?
- Can I take calculated risks?
- Do I like to be in control?
- Can I handle failure? Can I fail and start again?
- Am I passionate about what I am doing?
- Do I make decisions quickly and can set things in motion?
- Do I like to get things done and not procrastinate?
- Do I look at the big picture, can plan and start things with the end in mind?
How many did you check off? Even if you picked a few and have the motivation and drive to pursue your dreams, you have an entrepreneurial spirit waiting to emerge.
If you really want to take the step to starting your own business do your research and be prepared. The journey ahead is going to be exciting, but certainly not easy. Talk to women in business. Find a mentor. Join a community.
At WBEC-West we support women business owners to get more business, grow and be successful. Getting certified could be an excellent step to connect with like-minded women, discover game-changing mentorship opportunities and join a vibrant WBE community. Learn more.